I'm a Senior Data Scientist with 6.5+ years of industry experience.
I specialize in designing, developing, and deploying end-to-end Generative AI products and data science solutions for business problems.
I thrive in exploring new domains and have gained experience across various industries, including Finance, Casino Gaming, Retail, Smart Cities, Data Privacy, Genomics, and Aquaculture.
Additionally, I write hands-on data science tutorials and career advice based on personal experiences.
I actively invest time in continual development through online courses and certifications, build projects, and consistently share my knowledge through writing.
Summing up my data science journey: I learn, create and share.
P.S.: If you're recruiting for a senior data/AI role and think I might be a great fit, say hi!
You'd see me working, writing and mentoring on ML/AI most of the time. I'm fairly comfortable with PyTorch and TensorFlow. I've worked on projects using both the frameworks.
Python is my go-to language when it comes to coding up something. In the past I've worked on R, Java and C++ so I find it easy to use these languages as well.
I generally use MySQL databases when it comes to structured data and MongoDB for unstructured data. I've used Gremlin for graph data.
I'm comfortable with Google Cloud Platform and Micorsoft Azure, since I use them mainly for my daily tasks. I've used AWS for some past projects.
I believe every developer needs an understanding of Devops side of things. I package my code in to Docker containers and can configure it into Kubernetes clusters.
A Google CodeU Summer 2019 Project. Features include Hate-speech filters, Automatic generation of hashtags and Text to Speech Generation for user posts.
A Machine Learning Web App using Streamlit that predicts the likelihood of a person having diabetes based on their health metrics. The model was containerized using Docker and deployed on Cloud.
A Desktop GUI App that analyses the spending patterns of couples on Valentines Day. The app was built using Python, PySide6 and Matplotlib.
Classification of day-night images with an accuracy of 93.75% through Image Processing using OpenCV and zero Machine Learning.
A Secure and Private AI 2019 Project. Prototype of Rescue at Sea mission through detection and tracking of people using OpenCV and PyTorch.
Detecting Facial Keypoints using Convolutional Neural Networks and Face Detectors such as Haar Casecades in Python and PyTorch.